080. What Do I Do When Things Are Out of My Control?

29 Oct, 2012

It might seem obvious to you that we’re not in control, but we act in a way where we think we’re in control.

We always get into arguments with others where we ultimately think, “Man, if I could just say that one magical thing to my family member, boss, friends, they would see the truth and change.” Or, “Man, if I worry about my finances or family enough, things will change.”

It’s not like me worrying about, “Man, if I just chose the cheeseburger over the tacos, I wouldn’t be so gassy right now.”  That was under my control.  I had the choices and knew the risks and accepted the consequences.

No, we worry about stuff outside our control like the economy, family stuff, politics, our job. We might as well worry about everything else we have no control over like stopping aliens attacking the Earth, or preventing gravity, or stopping Michael Bay from making movies.

If we don’t think we can control something, we put our faith into something else we think can control things for us like an organization, a political party.  Or the biggest one… money.

But none of this is real power or real control. None of this gives us what we’re really looking for when things are out of control…

…and what we’re looking for is peace.

For us, we obviously should be placing our faith in God – the one who is ultimately in control and not in something that has just a little more control than we do.

So what do we do?

There’s four things we need to do in our search for peace when things are out of control.

1.  We need to understand ourselves.  We need to know that we are not in control.  We are small and sinful.  The knowledge that we need help is called humility.

2.  We need to understand God.  We need to know that not only is God is in control because he is all powerful, but that he loves us.  And this all powerful love is unstoppable.  (I personally find that concept very calming).

3.  Connect the two, your humility and God’s power to put your faith in him.  Your faith should have two parts… a. Faith in his love – that what he’s doing is for your good. b.  Faith in his wisdom – that his plan, though different from yours, is the right way.  

Yeah, you’d rather have millions of dollars or a stable job, but that’s your plan to find some type of peace, but maybe God has a different and better plan for you to find real peace. And when we have faith in God like this, it frees us up to do the last part…

4.  We need to play our part.  When we know God has a plan for us, and that plan is out of love, it frees us up to do what he has called us as individuals to do.

Maybe you can’t control the economy, but you can still be a good steward with what God has given you. Maybe you can’t control what your family does, but maybe God wants you to play a part by showing love in some way.

Instead of being frozen in fear of what we can’t control, putting our faith in God frees us allowing us to focus on what part God wants us to play – rather than the outcome. God can win the game without us, but he wants us to be on the field.  Just play the position He wants you to play and He’ll take care of the rest. The game is already won.

It can give you peace, like… I’m doing my part and the rest is in God’s hands and He’ll win the game. It should also give us humility because since God is in control and all powerful, he doesn’t really need us, which means He wants to use us.  He wants us to be apart of His work, which is truly a great blessing and something to be thankful for.

Knowing that you are not in control, but God is, gives us peace that the game will be won and makes us thankful that He still wants us involved. So have peace – he’s got it under control.

1 Cor 3:7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

2 Cor 12[9] But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. [10] That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Take Time to Pray: Ask God to help you understand your limitations and weaknesses so that you can rely on His power instead. Today’s Fruit of the Spirit: Peace I don’t know if you’ve noticed by we’re not the gods of universe.  And contrary to what you might think, I’m not in control either.  I know, hard to believe that someone so handsome and intelligent isn’t in control, but I’m not.