How do we live by faith in the little decisions like what should I eat for lunch, or should I wear pants to work?
Read moreHow do we live by faith in the little decisions like what should I eat for lunch, or should I wear pants to work?
Read moreWith faith, when you miss the middle part, you pretty much feel empty. Kind of like missing the pages in between the covers of a book, or an edible entree between appetizer and dessert at Applebees.
Read moreSometimes because we’re missing one crucial piece, we have nothing. Like getting in your car but missing the key. Or having a job interview but missing your pants.
Read moreWhat does it mean when the Bible says, “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed… Nothing will be impossible for you," (Matt 17:20)? So if I have the faith larger than the size of a mustard seed that I would become a cyborg – it...
Read moreThere’s some major questions we have to answer about the unfairness in life. Why is life so unfair? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is Michael Bay allowed to keep on making movies?
Read moreWhen Peter was walking on the water, he eventually lost focus on Christ and focused on the wind and the waves, then started to sink. This is a great analogy for our own lives. Our waves are, "How am I supposed to pay off my financial debt," "How am...
Read moreI don't know if you've noticed by we're not the gods of universe. And contrary to what you might think, I'm not in control either. I know, hard to believe that someone so handsome and intelligent isn't in control, but I'm not.
Read moreWe of course know that God is in control, and we aren’t. And we know verses like Romans 8:28 where it says all things work together for good. But sometimes you just need a quick phrase to keep your mind on track. Something more than "Hakuna Matata." Something that’s...
Read moreDear Conrad, I had a couple of questions. The first is, "What does Christ mean when He says "Ye are the branches"? The second is, "How can you be so good looking yet so humble?"
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