081. What Do I Do When Things Are Out of My Control? (Part 2): Does God’s Control Make our Actions Useless?

12 Nov, 2012

At first glance, it might be hard to mix the concepts of God’s ultimate control, our responsibility and real consequences together.  Kinda like what I saw at Costco yesterday – a “great tasting vegetarian burrito”.  It’s like someone took the three opposing concepts and combined them into something illogical… and horrific.

It might seem similarly illogical to some when trying to mix God’s control, our actions and real consequences together. If God is in control of the universe, then are we really responsible for anything?  And does our behavior actually have real consequences? The concepts seem like they’re at odds with one another.

But look at it like this… Let’s say God has a football team (obviously not the Patriots or the Eagles), and since He’s God, He’s going to win the game no matter what. He’s called a play where you’ll receive the pass and score a touchdown.  But you are disobedient and don’t step on the field.  God will have his quarterback (someone good looking like me) just throw it to someone else, and you’ll watch from the sidelines as someone else scores the touchdown.

In this example God is still in control.  God still wins the game.  But because of our disobedience, we don’t score the touchdown.  Our actions have real negative consequences to ourselves.   It also hurts our relationship with our teammates and coach. But instead of scoring a touchdown, what if the touchdown was ministering to someone in need, finding the right job, having a good relationship with family or spouse.  Well then, God will find someone else to score those touchdowns.

So what do we do?

We have to know the position God has called us to.  These are called our callings.  (For more of callings go herehere then here.)

a. What kind of person are you?  Are you an encourager?  A leader?  A prayer person?

b. What are you good at?  Are you good at parenting, marriage, finances and can in turn help others?

c.  What are your experiences?  What struggles have you been through that can help you minister to those currently going through something similar? God made you different in a bunch of different ways.  It makes you the perfect person to help in a particular task.

And since this world is so messed up, there are plenty of touchdowns you can score. You just need to know where he wants you to be and he’ll get the ball to you.

This inspirational message has been brought to you by Costco, the distributors of the great tasting vegetarian burrito… antacid sold separately.

1 Cor 3[7] So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. [8] The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. [9] For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.

Take Time to Pray: Ask God to be excited about the work He’s given you because He’s given it to you out of love. Today’s Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness.